Topic: Interdisciplinary Work & Collaboration April 5, 2018 Major milestone reached in effort to ID cancers’ genetic rootsCancer Genome Atlas details genetic mutations driving cancer.News Release February 23, 2018 CT scans offer a glimpse into lives of 3 Egyptian mummiesRadiologists’ expertise contributes to new exhibit at Saint Louis Art Museum.Medical Campus & Community February 22, 2018 Cancer weaponZika virus kills glioblastoma stem cells in early research.Outlook Magazine January 26, 2018 Lab-grown cartilageEngineered stem cells could revolutionize arthritis therapy and joint replacement.Outlook Magazine January 11, 2018 Leading with empathyWill Ross knows he should be dead. Now he exposes students to neighborhoods not unlike those of his own childhood.Outlook Magazine, Profiles December 18, 2017 Building the foundation for discoveryKey centers play pivotal roles to advance the school's enormous capabilities in precision medicine.Source: Washington Magazine December 7, 2017 Undaunted explorerTimothy Ley and his team were the first to sequence a cancer genome in 2008. They're still searching for cures nonstop.Source: Washington Magazine December 4, 2017 Pursuing a precision paradigmMedical school experts describe the move from current standards of care to a more personalized approach to treatment.Source: Washington Magazine November 30, 2017 The surgeon who wants to connect you to the internet with a brain implantSource: MIT Technology Review October 2, 2017 Making the invisible visibleImaging center brings the science of life to light.Outlook Magazine July 12, 2017 Building connectionsA new campus plan brings communities together and improves the experience for employees, patients, students and visitors.Outlook Magazine June 26, 2017 Gateway to careFighting social stigma and barriers, doctor seeks to prevent HIV infections worldwide.Outlook Magazine June 14, 2017 Caring for mom and babyChildren’s outcomes improve when perinatal mental health issues are addressed.Outlook Magazine June 1, 2017 BJC, School of Medicine establish Health Systems Innovation LabThomas Maddox named inaugural director.News Release March 3, 2017 The father of the microbiomeGordon is expanding our understanding of human health into nonhuman realms.Source: Washington Magazine February 15, 2017 New collaboration with Pfizer aimed at speeding drug discoveryWashington University enters collaboration with Pfizer’s Centers for Therapeutic Innovation.News Release February 14, 2017 Three questions with Gautam DantasA microbiology professor discusses antibiotic resistance and his lab’s efforts to help physicians fight antibiotic-resistant infections.Source: Washington Magazine January 12, 2017 Resisting ZikaUndeterred, researchers are tackling a global crisis from multiple directions.Outlook Magazine January 5, 2017 Unraveling autismA multifaceted approach aims to detect, treat and even reverse the disorder.Outlook Magazine November 18, 2016 A changing landscape: Alzheimer’s disease, research and the future of careOngoing research is changing the outlook on Alzheimer's from hopeless to hopeful.Innovate Magazines October 18, 2016 Medical assistant program provides opportunities, addresses shortageInternships doorway to health sciences field for north St. Louis, north St. Louis County residents.Medical Campus & Community October 10, 2016 Learning labsFor most medical students, there’s a major obstacle to doing research: being in medical school. Not at WashU.Outlook Magazine September 9, 2016 Program allows nurses to receive bachelor’s degrees tuition-freeGoldfarb program open to university's registered nurses. July 7, 2016 Rewiring the bodySevering the brain’s critical link to a peripheral nerve can render an arm useless. Pioneering surgeries reroute neural impulses and redefine hope for paralysis.Outlook Magazine Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next ›